‘Collecting Baudrillard’ Exhibition (Oxford 2018)

Photographs of 2018 Oxford Exhibition

Further Information about the Oxford Exhibition

Exhibition Baudrillard Poster (FINAL)

In September 2018 I curated an exhibition on ‘Collecting Baudrillard’ at the 2nd International Multi-Disciplinary Conference on Baudrillard Studies – ‘Applied Baudrillard’ (Oxford, September 5th to 7th, 2018). Marking fifty years since The System of Objects (Baudrillard’s first book) was published – a book which is widely considered as the ur-text on collecting – the exhibition displayed many rare, obscure, unique, and interesting materials by and on Baudrillard from my extensive working library or ‘Baudrillard collection’ which has been assembled over the past 25 years.

Le Systeme des Objets

The five French editions.

A part of the exhibition concerned Baudrillard’s membership of the Utopie group of radical sociologists, philosophers, and architects. The Utopie group was formed in 1967 just before the events of 1968, and was active for about a decade, the exhibition included a selected display of many of the group’s original publications.

Utopie first 3 issues

The first and a few subsequent issues of Utopie


Collecting Baudrillard

“[A]ny collection comprises a succession of items, but the last in the set is the person of the collector” (Jean Baudrillard)


A small part of my ‘Baudrillard Collection’

My working library of materials by and on Baudrillard, a collection of sorts, has been assembled over the past 25 years. It contains many pieces sourced from both helpful people worldwide and from innumerable bookshops and libraries in the 100+ countries I have been lucky enough to visit. I am always trying to find and obtain new material(s) by and on Baudrillard for my research writings.

I am interested in all material(s) by or about Baudrillard in any language: books, articles, translations, interviews, newspaper and magazine clips/items/articles, photographs by or of Baudrillard, flyers, adverts, catalogues, recordings (audio and/or visual), music, songs, poems, personal memories … everything whether it is an original copy, a copy, or even a copy of a copy!

A few selected examples:


Please Follow Me Postcard


A recording of a Baudrillard lecture by a member of the audience


A conference flyer-leaflet where Baudrillard was the keynote speaker


Spanish collection of French writers on McLuhan


A rare Baudrillard collection only available in Portuguese


Chance catalogue (Las Vegas)


Book sleeve


Two different Touchepas editions of ‘Xerox and Infinity’


Marketing note for 1981 edition