
Dr Richard G. Smith is a writer and academic. He is Associate Professor in Human Geography at Swansea University, UK. He is the Editor of the International Journal of Baudrillard Studies (2017-2021), and has published many articles, special journal issues, and several books on Baudrillard: Jean Baudrillard: Fatal Theories (2009), The Baudrillard Dictionary (2010), Jean Baudrillard: From Hyperreality to Disappearance, Uncollected Interviews (2015), and Jean Baudrillard: the Disappearance of Culture, Uncollected Interviews (2017). He co-organized the first and second major international and interdisciplinary UK conferences on Baudrillard in 2006 and 2018. He curated the first major exhibition of Baudrillard’s oeuvre (Oxford 2018) and was interviewed about Baudrillard for South Korean TV. He is currently writing a book about applying Baudrillard’s philosophy to the contemporary world. [I also have a long standing research interest in Urban Studies – See https://poststructuralistcities.com/].


Educated at Lawrence Sheriff School (Rugby, Warwickshire), University of Hull (BA Hons, Geography 1st class) and University of Bristol (PhD). My doctorate on the philosophy of Jean Baudrillard was supervised by the non-representational theorist Professor Sir Nigel Thrift – see my critical tribute here. I was awarded the first Phyllis Mary Morris Scholarship from the School of Geographical Sciences at the University of Bristol. I have extensive international knowledge and experience. I have visited more than 100 countries worldwide, and have presented my research at more than 50 international conferences, universities, and public events.


Dr Richard G. Smith BA (Hons), PhD, FRGS

Email: r.g.smith@swan.ac.uk

Postal Address: Dr Richard G. Smith, Department of Geography, Swansea University, Singleton Park, Swansea, SA28PP, UK.
