Very sad news this week. Quite rightly there are may obituaries and tributes to such an innovative and influential man. The first Baudrillard book I read 32 years ago was a Semiotext(e) ‘Foreign Agents’ production. Whilst I met Jean Baudrillard several times, I only ever got to speak to Sylvère on the telephone when he rang me to ask me to give a keynote talk in China. I have something like 30 Semiotex(e) books on my shelves, and that is an important part of his legacy and the great service he has done for so many of us. He kindly provided the endorsement quote for the back cover of The Baudrillard Dictionary I edited:

“The Baudrillard Dictionary challenges for the first time every received idea we may have had about Baudrillard, establishing him as one of the most substantial and visionary philosophers of our era… A revelation.”– Sylvère Lotringer, Professor Emeritus, Columbia University and founder of Semiotext(e)

Sylvère Lotringer est mort, la French Theory perd son passeur (Libération)


Sylvère Lotringer, Semiotext(e) Founder Who Brought French Theory to New York Art World, Has Died at 83 (ART NEWS)

Obituary for Sylvère Lotringer (e-flux)

Sylvère Lotringer, intellectual who infused U.S. art circles with French theory, dies at 83 (Los Angeles Times)

On Sylvère Lotringer (n+1)

Theory Daddy (New Left Review)

Outside the Text (Jewish Currents)

Sylvère Lotringer, Shape-Shifting Force of the Avant-Garde, Dies at 83 (The New York Times)

Sylvère Lotringer Obituary (The Guardian)